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6 Marketing Tips to Boost Profits at Your Yoga Studio

Let’s get straight down to it. Here are 6 marketing tips that are sure to boost profits at your yoga studio.

1. Systematize! Systematize! Systematize! When starting a small business, it can be overwhelming to figure out all the systems and software out there that can make your life easier. The single most important activity you must implement is to systematize and put all the information of your members into a database or spreadsheet. This includes their activity, class attendance and any purchases they’ve made with you. You can then turn this gold-mine of information into increasing the value of each member over their time with you.

2. You might already know that personalizing emails to your students is a key ingredient to forming a lasting relationship with your readers. But it is not enough to just insert a name into the Dear Sir/Madam greeting. You’ve probably subscribed to many email subscriptions yourself that attempt to personalize their communications to you. How personal are they really? Yoga students feel a connection to their studio and want to feel part of a community. You can learn what more you can do to make your email communications more effective by reading the 7 Essential Business Strategies of Successful Yoga Studios.

3. Follow-up! Ask yourself how often you follow up with potential customers? Do you contact them by phone or email to see how things are going during or after their initial trial period? This follow-up could be the final push they need to go ahead and become permanent members of your studio.

4. Know your customers. If someone asked you, who and what are your members like…would you be able to give a definitive answer? Knowing your members, from demographics to psychographics and motivations will not only help you acquire new students but to come up with innovative ways to keep the members you do have.

5. Retention is King! Did you know that keeping your current students happy and around longer is cheaper, takes less work and costs less than attracting new students? Most studios tend to put all their advertising dollars into getting more clients. But effort is best spent focusing on promotions and offers catered to their current members. Learn easy and low-cost methods in our guide that are guaranteed to keep your clients for life!

6. Why are referrals the most valuable new students you can get? Because they tend to stay around longer and are more likely to join. Friends are likely to refer someone who is interested in trying yoga and this also gives them a partner that will motivate them to attend classes. Learn the ins and outs of how to formalize a refer-a-friend program that brings instant results!

There you have it – the 6 marketing tips any yoga studio can use that if done correctly, will bring you more revenue and fill up your yoga classes. For more step-by-step directions and essential marketing strategies to boost profits, check out the Boost Your Yoga Business! Toolkit today..™ is committed to provide effective marketing solutions for the yoga industry and its community. Please contact us with any questions or feedback you may have at [email protected]